Daniella Topol

Instructions For Breathing


By Caridad Svich

Produced by the Passage Theatre Company


Bryan Close
Frank Harts
Kate Hopkins
Polly Lee
Gerardo Rodriguez
Heidi Schreck

Becca Ayers
Amanda Butterbaugh
Sean Patrick Doyle
Cole Escola
William Thomas Evans
Mike Faist
Justin Keyes
Caesar Samayoa

Instructions For Breathing



 “It’s always refreshing to see brainy artists at work…“Instructions for Breathing” leaves us wanting more…of the future work of Ms. Svich and Ms. Topol.”

– New York Times

 “Svich has an excellent director in Daniella Topol, for in lesser hands, the script could devolve into melodrama. Not at all here; Topol keeps matters simple and honest, and that exacerbates the pain.”

– The Star Ledger

“Director Daniella Topol’s deft and nuanced directing doesn’t miss a beat.”

– US 1 Newspaper
download pdf of full review

 “Right from the opening lines in this engrossing drama, you notice that Svich loves language in a very poetic way. The dialogue, with its pauses and repetitions, its interjections and its suspended thoughts, has a certain cadence and rhythm that are rare in contemporary plays. David Mamet comes to mind. It takes a cast who is sensitive to this and able to carry it off. The timing is crucial. I credit a terrific ensemble, as well as the director, Daniella Topol.”

– CentralJersey.com

 “Director Daniella Topol has assembled an adept, thoroughly professional ensemble of six and a strong production crew. She has directed with assurance, focus, and a brisk pace that delivers these ‘instructions’ — on breathing and on life — in 90 minutes without intermission.”

– Town Topics